The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life has developed a series of development opportunities intentionally situated at different membership points throughout a student's Greek experience at Georgia Tech. Collectively known as Greek Advance, each program is designed to provide tools and resources at every level of membership for students to advance as leaders within their community. To meet students where they are at, there is a program tied to each stage of membership. Some programs are mandatory for all members, and some are optional programs to take advantage of. Learn more about our all-member Greek Advance opportunities below.

New Member Education

Greek Emerging Leaders
An 8-week cohort based experience designed to give newly initiated members the tools to amplify their impact and leadership potential. Topics include exploring your strengths, embracing diversity & community, crucial conversations, and living your values.
Attendance: Optional for newly initiated members who have been in the chapter less than one year and having rising leadership qualities. Up to two members per chapter can participate.

Greek Leaders Advancing
A day retreat designed as a first step for new leaders and continuing leaders as they transition into the next semester in their council or chapter position. Participants will hear from past leaders, find their why, create a vision plan for their upcoming semester and be given a "Your Next 90 Days" Cheat Sheet.
Attendance: Optional for members who have recently been elected into a leadership position or is continuing their position into the next semester. Up to three members per chapter can participate. If more would like to participate contact, Kerry McCarthy,
November 24th, 2024

Greek Officer Summit
An advanced leadership conference for chapter and council officers designed to inspire a vision for the future of the community. Training tracks by specific officer position will be provided.
Attendance: Required for all chapter presidents, house managers, risk managers, social chairs, new member educators, and council officers. Optional but encouraged for all other officer positions.
January 2025

Graduating Member Series
A passive and active series designed for the last year of membership to prepare students for life as an alumni. Partnerships with the Career Center and Alumni Relations are a signature component.
Attendance: Optional for any member who will be graduating within the next year.